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Hi there! My name is Dr. Chevelta A. Smith. Yes! My parents named me after a Chevrolet Chevelle car. I am a board-certified OB/Gyn, COVID-19 frontline worker, Navy veteran, pastor, marriage strategist, educator, and published author.  I’ve also been told by many, that I am a dynamic and powerful speaker—both medically and spiritually. I am humbled by such remarks. Through God’s grace, I have had the wonderful opportunity to touch the lives of many people both nationally and internationally through the broadcast ministries of Resurrection Today, TBN, Streaming Faith, and my former radio show, Straight Talk with Dr. Chevelta, featured on Gospel Impact Radio (2013-2014).  


I was born in Washington, DC but moved a lot in my early years due to my dad being in the military. We settled in the DMV area when I was in 4th grade. I had a great life, however, like many, I too experienced some unfortunate events in my life that would change me and the way I viewed myself. For years to come, I would silently struggle with self-esteem, insecurity, and the fear of failure. Until one day, God lovingly opened my eyes to the realization that I am the product of my name. You see, Chevelle is a French word which means, “bold and beautiful.”  That day, I promised myself that I would be a reflection of both in this world


Today, I stand as a woman who has completely healed from my past. And in that healing, I have accepted that I am valuable and more importantly that, “my voice matters.” In recognizing my value, I now desire more, access more, and accomplish more in my life. My mission is to help my fellow women in this world to recognize and embrace their value so that they may do the same. I love weight lifting and the beach! Although initially unintentional, my bright red curly hair has become my trademark and seems to attract the attention of individuals everywhere. I enjoy laughing and I love being down to earth. Honestly, I am a comedian on the down low—LOL! My heart’s desire is to continue to educate, mentor, and motivate individuals both in the medical and spiritual arena. I aspire to become a TV host and to continue to build a platform to educate individuals on the importance of medical and spiritual health and wholeness.

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As A Woman

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As A Physician

When I was a little girl, I dreamed of being a psychiatrist and would go on to obtain my Bachelors in Psychology and a certificate in counseling from Carlow University in Pittsburgh, PA. However, when I went to Michigan State Osteopathic medical school and did my first in hospital rotation in Obstetrics and Gynecology—“I was sold!” I then went on to start my OB/Gyn residency training at Temple University in Philadelphia and completed my training at Cooper University Hospital in Camden, NJ.  Boy! Do I love delivering babies and serving the needs of my fellow women! Additionally, I am passionate about helping women overcome painful sex. I have been actively practicing obstetrics and gynecology, as an attending physician, for more than 15 years. I am currently working as a hospitalist in Houston, TX, as well as serving patients in the office setting. For years my area of gynecological interest has been vulvo-vaginal disease with a special focus in vulvodynia, a chronic vaginal pain disorder affecting both women and young girls.  As a surgeon, I love being in the OR and performing minimally invasive surgeries. I especially love using the technology of the daVinci Robot. I am presently in the process of launching my own Cosmetic Gynecology practice in the end of 2021. Stay tuned for the updates!


Empowering people through education and information is my passion. Moreover, I really love doing it through unique and creative ways. I probably should have gone into acting, because I am known to implement a pretty realistic interactive, role-playing-style of teaching, especially when I served as Assistant Clinical Professor at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine, and Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine. During these years, I served medical students, residents, and my fellow physician colleagues as a mentor and lecturer. These were wonderful opportunities that I will not only treasure for a lifetime, but that also opened other doors that led me to the tremendous opportunity to speak and present one of my most popular workshops, Spice Up Your Sex Life, at the fifth- and -sixth annual Virtua Women’s Health Symposium at the Philadelphia Convention Center (2009-2010). The event featured guest actress Goldie Hawn and popular talk show host Rachel Ray. Throughout the pandemic, I have been blessed to continue providing medical education to individuals all over the world via my Board of Black Physicians club, which I founded on the Clubhouse audio app. I can also be found in other clubhouse rooms supporting other colleagues and “adding value.”



Finally, when I began owning the fact that my voice mattered, I got the courage to start writing books. To date I have written four books, as a physician: Can I Push? Understanding the Process to Delivering Your Purpose, the Can I Push? Journal, Let's R.E.S.T.----Release Emotion and Stress Together Inspirational Journal: COVID-19 Frontliners Edition, and Club Hoppin In Clubhouse, which was written to introduce Clubhouse users to a unique way to collaborate on the app. Let’s R.E.S.T. was written to help encourage and uplift medical professionals working during the COVID pandemic, as well as to assist them in alleviating their stress and building their resilience. As a COVID-19 frontline worker myself, I am most proud of Let’s R.E.S.T., since it was my way of giving back to my fellow frontline workers who have been working selflessly during this pandemic. I am currently planning to release two sex education books in the near future.


In 1992, I married an amazing man--Greg Smith. We’ve been married for almost three decades and have become quite the power couple. Through our union we have had three beautiful children, dabbled in small business ventures, pastored a non-denomination church, became phenomenal tag team speakers, and developed not one but two life changing faith-based marriage groups—B.E.D. (Building, Equipping, & Developing) Marriage Movement & F.L.A.M.E. (Fostering Love and Marriage Enrichment). For over 18 years, we have served together as spiritual marriage counselors and marriage strategist to hundreds of couples. My handsome king is an attorney and I am an OB/Gyn physician; so you know we have quite often been referred to as “the Huxtables in reverse.” More recently, we have become known as Mr. & Mrs. Smith aka “the F.L.A.M.E. couple.” We got this label honestly since we LOVE talking about sex and the importance of building healthy sexual intimacy in marriage.


We are known to be raw, transparent, and honest in our sexual discussions. Together we have been a dynamic duo since my profession as a physician allows me to discuss not just the relational side of sex but also the medical; and Greg’s profession allows him to add insightful wisdom surrounding strategic planning and practical approaches to challenges often experienced in marriage. Some of our most popular talks have been: The Power of the Kiss, Sexual Exploration in Marriage, The Power of Foreplay, The Power of Sex, The Power of Orgasm, The Art of the Quickie, and How Do You Like Your Spouse to Come to Bed.” We are preparing for the launch of our first two books in the Fall of 2021 and Spring of 2022. Additionally, we are currently planning a city-to-city F.L.A.M.E. tour and F.L.A.M.E. weekend conference in March 2022. Please make sure you connect with us on Instagram @theflamecouple so that you can be in the loop with what we are doing. Additionally, join our F.L.A.M.E. club meetings on the Clubhouse app every Saturday at 6pm CST.

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As A Wife

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As A Cancer Miracle

On November 8, 2021, I received a call from my primary care physician informing me that a breast mass biopsy returned with a diagnosis of "infiltrating ductal carcinoma" of my right breast. From that moment on, my life would never be the same. Although I know most fear the word "cancer," and therefore result to referring to it as, "the 'c' word; I knew that there was no need for me to fear since I had a  "C" word which had tremendous power--Christ!  From the beginning of my breast cancer journey, I knew that God would heal me and that this diagnosis would not be the end for me.  As a result, I took to social media (IG @meetdrchevelta & personal FaceBook group "Boots on the Ground Pink Battalion) to document my journey and walk out loud in my faith!. I didn't know how God was going to do it, however, I knew He was going to do it! 


I began care at MD Anderson in Houston, TX and I was informed that my treatment options involved 24 weeks of chemotherapy with immunotherapy.  Although I desired a more non conventional way, I yielded to what I believed the Lord was instructing me to do.  Throughout the journey however, I continued to pray and seek God for direction. After 8 non-consecutive weeks of chemotherapy which included a 9 day hospitalization, the Lord told me I was completely healed, despite the fact that a recent ultrasound still demonstrated a mass on imaging. Leading up to the hospitalization, I had begun to ask God if it was His will for me to continue with chemotherapy. If it wasn't, I asked Him to "take me off it." He did just that. During my follow up appointment after my hospitalization, my oncologist informed me that he was "permanently discontinuing" my chemotherapy drug, Cisplatin, and stopping the immunotherapy medication. One week later, he then discontinued the last of the three cancer medications I was receiving at that time. Despite the inconsistency of my cancer treatment, ultrasound imaging still demonstrated a decrease in tumor size. My faith never wavered. I knew I was healed and desired surgical intervention vs. more chemotherapy.


Against the recommendation of my oncologist, I decided to proceed with surgery to have the breast mass removed. (He desired that I do another 3 months of a different chemo regimen). On March 28th, I went to surgery and the breast surgeon informed me that she "could not find the tumor." A week later, I received a call from her informing me that my path report demonstrated a "pathological complete response," meaning NO cancer was present in my breast tissue. Additionally, the eight lymph nodes removed from my armpit were negative for cancer, my margins were clear, and there was no residual disease.  God did it!  It was a miracle! Despite only having 8 of 24 weeks of chemo, a mass seen on imaging before I went to surgery; God miraculously eradicated the cancer/tumor--which was my prayer and outward declaration.  Accelerated healing was my promise from God, and His Word to me did not return void. He still performs miracles today! 

©2016-2022. Dr. Chevelta Smith. All Rights Reserved.

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